If you would like to contact Lanechka Fevola for orders, commissions, or any other professional work interest you might have, please feel free to get in touch. You can do so at the email address here : lanechkafevola@mail.com
Lanechka Fevola is based in Nottingham in the UK, having worked in London and New York. Of Polish, Italian, American origin, Lanechka has an international perspective, while her work as an artist has a universal appeal.
She is a Partner in The Wandering Toubadour Creative Partnership, with Lorenzo Cherin, her husband, which combines the performing arts with the arts in general. She is the Associate Artist/Creative Consultant, for The Arts and Humanity’s Cause https://theartsandhumanityscause.com/to-the-art-of-lanechka/, an online cultural, social, humanitarian project https://theartsandhumanityscause.com/ She joined Equity, the performing arts and entertainment industry union, many years ago. She is a member of the Temenos Academy, a charity dedicated to the arts in the sacred traditions of East and West and a member of the Resurgence Trust which arose from the work of the Resurgence and Ecologist magazine.
She came to the visual arts from her background in the performing arts. After completing her studies and gaining her degree, she worked regularly, primarily in the theatre, as classical singer, actress and dancer. In recent years she has returned to this field, her first love, now developing projects again in the performing arts, particularly with regard to film and recording, with her partner. https://lorenzocherin.com/part-3-film-maker She always had an interest in other creative aspects, such as writing and puppetry. She started devising, adapting, as well as making puppets, for theatrical productions. This in turn helped to develop her longstanding love for the visual arts, and she therefore started properly, to paint, draw and sculpt.
A life-changing experience further concentrated Lanechka’s efforts and interests in this direction. Some years ago she was injured in a car accident. This sudden and completely unexpected event, in which the car mounted the pavement where she was walking and knocked her down, affected her greatly. Subsequently, the long and ongoing recuperation, meant that, confined and debilitated, she began to create work as an artist. This means of expression fulfilled a need in her, which continued to grow and develop, into the work that we now see.
Her paintings in many ways are a kind of journey, a sort of pilgimage. A search for beauty, through an expression of the visionary. Here is the wanderer, the troubadour. This is the world of the poet, the fool. As life is tragi-comic, so too it is reflected in art. Moods, often soulful and spiritual, characters from folk or fairytale, the drama and essence of who and what we are, or could be. It is an inner theatre, a visual theatre, the theatre of the imagination, a sacred space.